Cleanup. Freedom is of the heart and soul.

View video: When I turned to the Heavenly Father, the alcoholic tyrant’s taunts increased as he tried to provoke me to fight. I told him the battle is not mine. The fight’s already been won. The work’s already been done. #NarcAbuse #Narc #Narcissist #NarcissistAbuse #NarcAwareness #NarcFree

How Do Mortgage Interest Rate Hikes Affect Home Sellers?

Graph of a house, stacks of coins, and a time clock on a blog post that shows how interest rate hikes affect home sellers and how a mortgage interest rate hike affects a buyers monthly payment.

As mortgage interest rates continue to climb, here is a quick look at how interest rate hikes affect home sellers in Greater Travelers Rest. The Pool of Available Buyers Will Shrink in Price Bands With each rate increase, another segment of buyers for your home will drop out of the buying pool. For example: using … Read more